Monday, November 2, 2009

Dress Code

Happy November? How was your "Harvest Day?"

Now that I remember that I have a Wendy's blog, I'm kind of regretting the fact that I had Halloween night off. It would have been fun to dress up as a magician and put fries in my hat and poof them out and stuff.

Yeah... it would have been great.

But since I spent all night at my youth pastor's house eating licorice and ogling over Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, I have no Wendy's happenings to tell of.

BUT that doesn't mean that we can't do a special clothing/costume/uniform-related post. So, here goes.

The Employee Uniform
I haven't examined an array of Wendy's work uniforms, but I'm pretty sure that they all come standard for each location. What it consists of is the following:

-A shapeless red or blue t-shirt (tucked into the pants, of course)
-A black baseball cap, crested with the Wendy's emblem
-Black pants, which the employee must purchase
-Black closed-toe slip-resistant shoes, which the employee also must purchase

Managers get fancy dress-shirts instead of shapeless t-shirts, but other than that, there's no difference.

Basically what I'm trying to get to is the fact that Wendy's uniforms are, at the highest level:

Not to dis the uniform designer, or anything-- but. You've got to understand that humans are sexually driven, and will be in a much better mood towards someone they're attracted to. Don't think so?

Oh really?

Think about it. You walk into a restaurant. You're hungry, sick of driving, just want to sit down and enjoy a meal. You walk up to the counter and, lo and behold-- a handsome man smiles honestly at you/a pretty girl bats her eyes.

Bow chika wow wow, things just got a whole lot more interesting. And you're feeling a little perkier, aren't you?

Now, this isn't to say that Wendy's should only hire the stereotypical "attractive" person, because "attractive" is always an opinion. I have a co-worker who finds rednecks attractive. To each his/her own, you know. Hire good workers, that's first. But a flattering (not skanky, just flattering!) outfit wouldn't hurt much either, don't you agree?

Not only will the customer find themselves minding their manners, but the employee will feel brisk and confident. There's nothing wrong in feeding a little ego. Nobody should go strutting around in their underwear (oh goodness heavens NO), but like I said before. A little pinch there, some vertical stripes there, you've got yourself a functional fashion statement. Bon appetit!


  1. Can you wear Slim Black Pants to work?

  2. Can you wear yoga leggings cause I see lot of my co workers wear them

  3. I personally dont care what i wear, do i have to cut my chin hair??

    1. Yes you do you must maintain personal Hygiene sorry bud I had to shave to

    2. Yes you do you must maintain personal Hygiene sorry bud I had to shave to

  4. Can employees wears shorts when the a/c not working because it gets to hot and uncomfortable on the line.

  5. Hi, my name is Caitlin and I work at Wendy's. Why yes, this would be nice. Though, I wouldn't say its necessary. We are not working at wendys to pick people up, it's to get money to do things. Also, at my place we are able to wear dark blue jeans. It just depends on who you work for. Ear piercings are allowed, but anywhere else or tattoos is 100% up to who you work with. It's not a free thing to get.
