Thursday, November 12, 2009

Agressive Expansion

Not really, but I've been watching Batman lately so I've been in the mood for some TDK quotes.

But sort of, actually.

To expand on an earlier topic:

"There are toilets in there for a reason.

Please use them?"

I didn't really consider it a huge issue before. I mean, the most I had to do was wash the urinal by hand (which is embarrassing, by the way, when your managers don't give you a sign to keep people of the opposite sex from walking in).

But a couple of days ago, someone decided to let off a terrorist-sized excremental bomb in the men's bathroom and leave it there.

For me.

Keep in mind also that this wasn't #1.
Nor was it #2.
Nay, my friends-- it was #3.

Without getting into anymore explicit details, I was armed with the following supplies to aid in my cleaning journey:
--Plastic gloves
--About ten trash bags
--A liter of bleach
--A liter of disinfectant
--Face mask
--Mop and bucket
--Paper towels
--About 45 minutes of my time.

What was cool was that I got a free dinner out of it, which actually didn't sound cool at all at the time (I felt like I was going to throw up), but it was nice when I got off of work.

My manager even offered to give me a free large chocolate frosty. And said I could watch it ooze slowly out of the machine.

...I slapped him. :)

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