Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm Sorry Ma'am, It's Just Policy---

There's a special word at Wendy's that we use more often than not. Yes; it's uttered at a higher quantity than even the word "sorry". Well maybe not as much as "sorry", but pretty darn close.

It's called "policy." And it's kind of the law.

There are two problems with policies. One: if you ignore them, you'll get in mucho trouble. Two: if you follow them too closely, you'll end up with irritated customers.

In short, policies really are just these simple rules that are typically used to regulate hygiene and product cost. Don't put a lid on the chili if the order is for the dining room, because that's unnecessary lid usage--even if the chili will be cold before the rest of the food gets out. Wash your hands every time you go from dining room to behind the counter, even if you didn't touch anything. The list goes on and on and on. They take up time and energy, and usually end up with customers raising their eyebrows suspiciously.

"Why follow them if they're such a bother?"

Well, there are special times in every restaurant franchise's life when a certain location is examined. This is called "auditing." Basically, some really ritzy people come in with clipboards and stare at the employees.
And the tables.
And the food.
Oh yeah and they eat our food, too.

They make sure our water to beans to meat to sauce ratio is perfect for the chili. Each mustard "W" on the bun of every sandwich must be perfectly squirted. The shake machine must be clean, the salad station spotless, the frosty machines stocked and at the correct texture. On top of all this, they also thoroughly examine each of the employees' behaviors; which is where the policy problem comes in.

If we decide to slip up and wash our hands for fifteen seconds instead of twenty, we get marked down. Trouble succeeds if we get a bad grade. Sooooo... we try our best to follow them.

The Story:
This doesn't really count as a single happening, but more of a collective of them.

I have got to say that my personally least-favourite oh-gosh-I-wish-I-could-just-dump-this-in-the-ditch-across-from-my-house policy would be the one concerning refills. Particularly, the policy regarding the fact that refills must be made in new cups with new lids, with customers standing there, puzzled, half-empty cups dangling idly in their grip.

The last part of that isn't actually written in the policy, but it always results from it. "Oh, you don't have to get a new---- okay. :(" So it might as well be written.

(If you're confused at all, I can enlighten you. I don't know if it's because our location is super retro or what, but the drink tap/dispenser is behind the counter. Meaning customers can't get their own refills. I'M SORRY.)

And for some reason, saying "I'm sorry Ma'am, it's just policy--" doesn't cut it. I always get dirty looks. Therefore, I'm filled with trepidation when someone gallivants up to me with an empty cup.

The Meat:
Policies are our law and we HAVE to follow them. If something seems ridiculous, it's actually not because we're paranoid or germaphobic or cheapskates, it's because we want to keep you and our location safe. You may be a bit caught off-guard at first, and we know you will; but you're all smart cookies. You can recover. And we thank you for that.

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