Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Can I Help You?

I turned sixteen on April 24th, 2009.
It was a great day. I was allowed to drive, allowed to date, allowed to go out by myself and-- what I was dreading-- legal to get an actual job.

But see, there was a problem that caused me to stop flailing my arms excitedly in the air; actually, a few problems.
One, I have slight motorphobia.
Two, high school boys are icky.
Three, I have a relatively mellow social life.

That only left me one option for my first baby step into adulthood:

So I did. I took a work permit, rode my bike down along the street, and applied to nearly every place that would look me in the eye. Actually I'm kind of exaggerating with that. I only stopped at three places.

And one of them happened to be Wendy's. Lucky, lucky them; I had a friend who used to work there, and said that they were always desperate for employees. Unlucky for me, because drawing pictures and writing stories all day sounded like a much better way to spend my time than working as a dancing grease monkey.

Oh well. They most likely wouldn't like me anyway. And that's probably why they called me and said I could start on Saturday. Working for three hours? What an absurd amount of time to not be doing anything creative! What a beat down on my freedom and dignity! I wasn't going to take that.

Buuuut I did.
And I've learned some things.
I think it's been, what, three months?

Okay so you're actually probably most likely wondering why I'm off on this tangent. And why the title of the blog is the fast-food version of a Catholic practice. Well, my dear friend, let me educate you--

For those of you who don't work or have never worked in fast food, there's a lot you need to know about us fast-foody-workers. We're tough. We're crazy. We're... feet-kissers. We keep deep, dark secrets. Believe it or not, we are actually real people; and no matter how much we smile and nod and laugh when we make a mistake, we're actually not dumb.

Those deep, dark secrets need to be let out. Come into my office, and I'll educate you.


  1. Woot. Like the blog.

    And don't forget, you didn't ride your bike to apply at Wendy's... your awesome older sister drove you!

  2. You actually only drove me to the interview. AWESOME OLDER SISTER.

    I think?
